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Turning Point turns away from Acronis Snap Deploy

Heidi Flaig profile photo
Heidi Flaig|August 23, 2019
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Product 1

    UK-based non-profit, Turning Point, relies on technology to save patient lives. With more than 3,500 users across 300 sites nationwide, the 15 person support team is dependent upon computers functioning properly at all times and if a tool is unreliable, it can be the difference between life and death for a patient. Because many of the computers that Turning Point’s IT team manages are remote and some locations have just one computer, the 1+ hour downtime they experienced imaging a computer with Acronis Snap Deploy combined with the inconsistent outcome on the endpoint became too disruptive.. The charity organization cannot afford to have a technician troubleshooting issues for hours on end when a patient could need a life-saving prescription from the machine.

    When I spoke with Ravi Shah, Central Delivery Manager at Turning Point, he shared a bit of the backstory with me. Prior to when he took over the IT department, they were “stuck in the stone ages” when it came to technology and many of their solutions, including imaging software, hadn’t been updated in over 20 years. With so many different ways to image computers today, he needed to find a better solution that could help them save time, effort, and cost in the long run.

    He went on to explain that the team was managing 15 different computer models making the image library very time consuming to maintain and keep up to date with their previous imaging software, Acronis Snap Deploy. Images would often be corrupt and require hours troubleshooting. Even if everything went well during deployment, it was very slow to image a device and would often take longer than an hour to boot over USB. Not to mention that managing and updating device drivers were a real pain.

    As Ravi researched a replacement for Acronis Snap Deploy, he was impressed by SmartDeploy. He knew that the flexibility to deploy PCs remotely meant he no longer needed IT staff to be on-site at remote locations or spend hundreds of dollars and days shipping hardware across the United Kingdom. Now they’re able to “push a button, come back in 30 minutes, and the job is done.” Ravi is at ease knowing that “SmartDeploy hits all of the requirements and more!”

    I also learned that since upgrading Turning Point to SmartDeploy , Ravi also implemented other tools such as Cisco Jabber and Webex. The non-profit organization is no longer in the stone ages, but in a good place where “IT is driving the business.”

    Read Turning Point’s full story here.

    Heidi Flaig profile photo
    Heidi Flaig

    Heidi Flaig has worked on SmartDeploy's marketing team since 2011 and thrives on engaging with IT professionals to better understand how SmartDeploy products can improve their world. She has over 500 contributions in the Spiceworks community. When she’s not in the office, you can find Heidi hiking with her husband, two sons, and silver lab, Miles.

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